Monday, July 8, 2024


-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature

-all under the line like '666' in a row

-to try to make me the Anti-Christ by altering my sex sex sex

-to look male but with breasts and a vagina

-and have massive muscles when flexed, corrected posture, hair and weight etc

-today I realized the Australian stand-up comic George Smilovici who did the single I'm Tuff

-posing in a poster as if me. Naked, knees bent, hands over crutch and mouth open wide comically 

-like his wife had an affair or his sex altered

-like juggling my initials

-my second and third names (Matthew Joseph Ager)

-JAGER sounds like GEORGE

-my list of Government rules called High SCHOOL MUSICAL Suggestions for Governments



-maybe me realizing that set up me. Like Revelations says The Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron Rod 


-SMILOVICI / length of hair in ponytail down to knees as I saw in photo of actress who played Kitty SULLIVAN


-High School Musical Suggestions for Governments 

 -free fruit and vegetables for poor or homeless people in supermarkets

-free Spotify, NetFlix, Disney+ and YouTube Music

-every number of weeks students of places get to have International air travel and Hotel costs for a few days paid for

-things made fair. There is a place to protest something if unfair

-most bullying stopped. Those continuing must stay from work for time

-$12 million created once in one account of everyone once in their life. It can't be taxed. Spouses can't touch it. If stolen by others accessing your account amounts of $200, 000 added. Absolute wage and price freezes. People made to work to keep services going. People now pay an amount for use of services

-crimes like maiming and some crimes that ruin lives get life

-tent shelter for homeless people. Large canvas tents. With stretcher bunks. Radio playing all the time. Portable toilet outside. And a free meal once or twice a day

-meals around the city every day. Once a day for a coin you can get a meal

-businesses set up that can do almost any job for you for as cheapest charge as possible

-work shifts are rotated. 6 hours done by one person then 6 hours by another

-Daily Planner- work shifts, 2 hours Christian time if you want it, 2 hours family including at least 2 hours TV time, Saturday Recreation Days made up of groups (those without someone as best as possible found someone), Sunday free time

-anyone at all. Including minors can kill themselves with help. Like put to sleep etc

-as best possible free pain killers to all

-no one can make you marry. All can divorce straight away

-'Pin' marriages anyone can have

-both Police and Army Security boasted by 200 times

-University Hospital- those studying to be Medical workers do surgery etc for a much less price

-no one can ban you from their stores without real reason

-free Cosmetic Surgery etc where possible for disfigured and deformed people

-cheap Cosmetic Surgery of all types by Trainees

-and you don't need to put 666 on you 

-I try to use the night I steaked around the block. Running naked like he posed. Pulling my shoulders back and pulling my stomach in. Like my body rearranging. With this causing me to take over nations

-the idea it was a key episode in a TV series about me. And the actor playing me ran naked full on for the episode shown in normal TV

-when I paused behind a tree by the footpath at the opposite corner section from me. I thought maybe I heard a siren. There was once a young boy named Matthew living there. Maybe slightly dicky like me when young

-when I got home I masturbated pressing my body against my bed



True Origin of Creation



-TRIDON and the multiple triangles in side one. This list is 'TRUE ONE HUNDRED 100%'

 -the time I might have sold my soul for all I wanted in life

-I had been doing heavy scanning comics for my Blogs for a couple of months in 2012. I had because of that been getting agitated with God

-I was standing by the kitchen sink one night and said out aloud that I would sell my soul for all I wanted in life

-I now think it might be related to one time I was digging right in the garden outside that window

-I dug up a strange sort of palm sized bolt / screw / clamp looking metal object

-this part of the garden didn't have the miracle providing plants

-on the rod marked TRIDON it read




-to the right of TRIDON was a triangle / pyramid with triangles inside it. Maybe they stand for

-TRIDON maybe meaning DON the TRI numbers to get the power to do almost anything



-I thought of the idea in my bedroom in 1980 of coming up with a timeline of future adventures etc to try to make true. Then disregarded it. But that moment might have shaped all around me. Including my life



-my earliest memory. Coming in to live in our new home for the first time. In James COOK Street and finding a tin of GRIFFINS / GENESIS biscuits in a lower kitchen cupboard. Like it was my earliest memory. As I came to move in to live in our new home for the first time that might have caused the start and GRIFFINS / CREATION of everything


-the night in Washington DC I got lost at each of three Memorials / Monuments. That might have caused there to be three Universes. Like the three similar but each one different Bigfoot, Yeti and Loch Ness Monster

-the TRIANGLES- the LUMP on my left thigh. The RESTAURANT on the MOUNTAIN and revolving around TRI space objects

-the night I clicked on how to finally get up my miracles. The red slightly large lump on my left thigh. A source really for power. I had about 1980 put a red spot mark in the corner of the elbow of Olivia Newton-John on a Grease poster. I caused the song and video Grease is the Word from Grease Live to be played during the Monitor. I rose the rocket out of a maybe fictional small mountain and Restaurant on top of it. Flying each time in a Cross pattern through three balanced stages


-my miracles looking like Rob Liefeld, Kyle Lowder and Christian Paredes. Maybe as powerful as God each. But not effecting Earth. From the start of time forever and in the new space. They go out around the edges of space. Maybe anything I want. That way going out around the edges of space they don't clash with what I already have planned. Once could have been for Britain but corrupt actions wound up changing them to mine


-I tried to give comics character DONNA TROY 40 months of mighty miracles. The Wonder Girl character stars in masses use her like saying she becomes really Darth Vader. Her life wound up being constant tragedies 

-TURNING POINT- the turning triangle

-seven sons associated with Mental Illness and TURNING POINT. Have super hero splits that come out of them and they can do miracles

-the turning pyramids in the Pyramid. The TURNING box I went in to at the Sydney Waterfront. The as well too small home my grandparents looked at. The triangles like their miracles are locked not to try to harm me  


-people trying to steal my INHERITANCE of $780, 000 that will mean I could stay easily in my home for life. Caused the DESTRUCTION of CREATION. My ROCKET came out of the MOUNTAIN. Circling three times in an Atom like pattern

Iron Rod

-the TRIDON metal device I dug up

-by the kitchen window where in 2012 I tried to damn myself for all I wanted in life

-the rod just along from the plant or ground that provides my miracles


-only REVELATIONS or Revelations FIGURES are the truth in the Bible

-CHRISTIANITY concept created because I wanted to DON an exact looking appearance as CHRISTIAN Paredes

-and he embodied what a Messiah might be

-my home at what I called the GARDEN of EDEN

-also maybe set up like this

-the pyramid symbol on the rod with pyramids inside it. Maybe standing for the miracle providing fruit

-my miracles started in early 2008 when I moved in to my home owning it. With the plant there

-soon I had 4 dreams in one week of super characters all connected to the New Teen TITANS


-Titans are Gods like what I do

-the time in 1981 my grandparents took me to New Zealand's biggest city Auckland. We stayed at the RAILTON / REVELATIONS / REALITY Hotel

-by the Hotel I bought the comic All-Star Squadron 5 introducing the new FIRE-BRAND

-maybe connected to me maybe being the Anti-Christ

-I wanted to look etc just like Christian

-earlier today I might have put the final touches to my large list of miracles

-AVANTI bike gave me the ideas as in REVELATIONS. It was a Black Thunder bike like in Captain Marvel

-the symbol to the side of the word TRIDON. A pyramid or triangle with other ones inside it

-like maybe saying I can now break free

-I can buy any comic title I want. I can ignore warning signs

-earlier today I learned both my Volumes of Marvel Saga had been ordered. 25 issues of the first several years chronology of 1960s Marvel Comics written and created by STAN Lee

-and I can start to have Takeaways and meals at those types of RESTAURANTS / TRIDON

-the time a few years ago I had just been discussing with Support Staff at my home their concerns I would have no one to protect my home

-straight after I was crossing the Street from my home to a Fish and Chips TAKEAWAYS store

-I passed a man looking like a dark skinned TONY STARK

-he is IRON Man in comics. Like in IRAN and IRON Rod. ANTHONY STARK sounds like ANTI CHRIST

-I went in to the store where one of the owners often calls me HARRY

-after HARRY POTTER the Wizard in books

-the two paranormal loaves of bread I had about 2010

-the first with across the surface of a slice a saucer shaped dip. As in POTTER

-and the second a loave that had been left too long but not very long. It was growing hairs on it. HARRY. And if I want to I can go back to eating bread

-this metal device partly engraved TRIDON could be what Revelations says 'the Anti-Christ who rules all nations with an IRON ROD'

Saturday, July 6, 2024


 -the time I might have sold my soul for all I wanted in life

-I had been doing heavy scanning comics for my Blogs for a couple of months in 2012. I had because of that been getting agitated with God

-I was standing by the kitchen sink one night and said out aloud that I would sell my soul for all I wanted in life

-I now think it might be related to one time I was digging right in the garden outside that window

-I dug up a strange sort of palm sized bolt / screw / clamp looking metal object

-this part of the garden didn't have the miracle providing plants

-on the rod marked TRIDON it read




-to the right of TRIDON was a triangle / pyramid with triangles inside it. Maybe they stand for



-the PYRAMIDS / powers revolving around the rooms of my home

-TRIDON- like the New Teen TITANS villain Demon / Warlord TRIGON. About 1986 I was walking with my grandmother in Tauranga Hospital. I tried accepting Trigon as a God in case he could take me to the super-heroes world. I daydreamed I went through cave tunnels in Hell. Maybe the bolt I dug up. And when I accepted him out of each wrist came a black bullet shaped object

-TRIDON / RAVEN- in New Teen Titans comics EMPATH Raven is his daughter. With this I decided not to buy the first 10 issues of the deluxe New Teen Titans that had the first 5 fighting Tridon


-TRIDON- because of forces in my mind one New Year's Eve night I dropped the bolt down the drain in the middle of down our drive

-TRIDON / years later I saw High School Musical 1. Opening with character TROY BOLTON at a New Year's Eve party

-the idea of giving sons of mine magic powers might not work because like the pyramids inside one. They don't live at this home the GARDEN of EDEN and they don't have the miracle providing fruit

-Christianity might not be real. I might have sold my soul some other way. Since I was at the kitchen sink and at some point I dug up the TRIDON bolt just outside that might mean the things I wanted came from then

-TRIDON- REVELATIONS says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an IRON ROD. Maybe meaning my miracles in a way covering everywhere sourced from me selling my soul and this iron rod. TRI DON as if I DONNED TRI numbers





-the TRIANGLES- the LUMP on my left thigh. The RESTAURANT from the MOUNTAIN and revolving around TRI space objects



-meeting 'me' TONY STARK when concerns over protection of my home. That provides the miracles. And INHERITANCE 

-I might now have- 


-PYRAMIDS / PAREDES appearance and personality

-TRIDON / all THREE like the Messiah / CHRISTIAN

-PYRAMID / the super hero powers I picked. The first letter of each power the first letter of once  special themed rooms. Of my home at the Garden of Eden

-from the TRIDON / GARDEN of EDEN

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Endings...and Beginnings

  -when I was very young living in 12 James Cook Street Havelock North

-once in paddocks at the end of the Street

-I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man

-a SKELETON. His BONES like the SPAGHETTI Toasted Sandwiches I was making

-a spaghetti strand a small moving worm

-the skeleton. Like it caused the death of everything but me


-the end of everything caused by

-JENNY CROOK- JENETTE Kahn and the stars trying to steal my Inheritance 

-COOK- the worm and food I was COOKING

-Captain James Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR / END DESTROYER

-all of space destroyed by like my earliest memory of coming in to live in our new home for the first / last time

-and finding in a kitchen cupboard a tin of GRIFFINS SAMPLER biscuits

-space destroyed by GRIFFINS / people trying to steal my INHERITANCE. SAMPLER / stars trying to turn me in to Anakin SKYWALKER

-in 1985 I might have been mentally ill

-one day truant I was at home. I was thinking as if the New Teen Titans Jet was on the roof of our old spare garage. Member Wonder Girl was in it. They wouldn't take me to live with them on their Earth. I became slightly wound up/ the stars stealing my Inheritance that would mean I could always live in my home securely 

-I took an axe and broke WINDOWS around the local houses. Also destroying all of space. Caused by people trying to turn me and WONDER Girl in to Darth Vader. The axe like a Light Sabre

-I nearly hit my grandmother MAY ELSIE Ager on the head with it. MAY or ELSE. Like Donna Troy was meant to have died with a power sword through her from ECLIPSO. Creators trying to set her and me both as the real Darth Vaders

-the day I got home from the Ward. Free from Matron JANE FRANCE. FRANCIS, JENETTE, LANE, FRIENDLY, FIANCE, FRIENDS

-the windows were repaired

-the day I got home I was standing in my bedroom. My body vibrated and I went blind for several seconds. I bought a replacement book of Showcase Presents ECLIPSO. Eclipso was BRUCE GORDAN. My body VIBRATED and I went BLIND like Flash / BARRY ALLEN. Over the first seven months of 1985 I had an ongoing developing daydream life I was Champion a super hero with super-speed powers. Barry Allen collected comics. ECLIPSO / BLIND. BRUCE GORDAN / VIBRATING

-I was cooking SPAGHETTI and CHEESE

-worlds and barren worlds have their miracle layouts divided in to SEPARATE COUNTRIES

-Moons are made in to SPACE BASES / SPAGHETTI CHEESE


-afterlives for all become STRAIGHT Garden of EDENS. The worm like the SERPENT

-the Watcher is meant to look like made up of sack or clothes of sack. Fawn sack covering all of him. Tied at the ends of limbs by ROPE. The ropes like chains Jenette Kahn has me in. And the spaghetti and the worm

-part of all of space being destroyed are problems I have had trying to go back to ordering back issue comics from MILE HIGH Comics. The two very long black hairs I found in my home on two times. The Dealer Wig MORE

-two really long black HAIRS I don't know where they came from. Both I found about 2010

-one I found on my DINNER PLATE while eating at the table

-the next hair I found on my BED SPREAD. For almost anyone has the power to do or create anything. Up to one MILE HIGH in each direction at a time. Like the GARDEN BED that gives me my miracle powers is SPREAD. When I ordered new comics from Mile High Comics in 1989 in a catalog was a picture of a man looking like Archie style character Binky BIGGS. But it wasn't him. He was lying in BED maybe naked under a sheet. His ends of his legs and feet were poking out of the end of the sheets like they were SPREAD. There was his girlfriend a flirty looking woman with long blonde hair named Yours Faithfully / Truly. Maybe saying now most can do anything and don't need to use my ideas. And a character an elderly woman called The WITCH. A really long black hair for almost all with the power of a God

-about 1991 on a table in front of a downtown bookstore. Was a magazine with a fictional photo of star Mark Wahlberg. His leg hairs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced. Standing for the spaghetti and worm that destroyed space. And by it an INDEPENDENT Comic. Like stars trying to steal my INHERITANCE that would of meant I could always live INDEPENDENTLY



-STAR WARS- on a SITMAR FAIRSTAR Cruise in 1983 I saw a couple a few times looking just like Charles and Diana. She had a full beard. DIANA / ANAKIN. He wore a pink sleeveless top. The maybe pregnant Gym Instructor. On the front of it were a lot of multi-colored rods. Like Light Sabres. And looking like the spaghetti and worm

-possibly all or most of the threats to me I Posted that I wanted removed. When the new version of space began they never were real

-in old Captain Marvel comics he got his powers from the few story tall white pointed ROCK of ETERNITY. The MOUNTAIN with the RESTAURANT of ETERNITY on it

What do You do the Day After You Save the Universe?

  -in about 1998 I was living on my own in a Cabin by the sea. MAYFAIR Cabins at Mayfair Place. Like saying about Jesus Christ the MESSIAH

-around the corner from the Motel is where the owners of Mills Reef Winery live

-one afternoon in the Cabins I for a moment pictured there was a small picture on the wall of a man's head in a mask like a sack or hood. Like Bane in Batman comics who broke Batman's back

-like in about 1998 and 2011 I felt hands on my back while I thought I was sleep

-when I pictured the picture I thought if the picture was real it could be of Batman. And then too he could be the DESTROYER of Revelations

-later that night I was in bed and I thought I was asleep but I felt hands on my back

-the Cabins were just down the hill from my current home that I now own. My home which provides my miracle power

-I was in bed in about 2021. I thought I was asleep but could feel hands on my back again. It felt like I said over and over a few times I will Marry. Directed to a local man named DANIEL 'COSGROVE'. As in the DESTROYER

-I said I will Marry a few times to Daniel like Superman. Maybe the dream meant I would be put in another marriage etc. But Jesus Christ would just wreck them again

-so that is the MESSIAH at MAYFAIR Cabins and that day me thinking of the name DESTROYER

-and the man like Superman. Like saying a possible likely MESSIAH could be a super hero. And D. COSGROVE. Like this too saying the name DESTROYER



-maybe looking like BATMAN

-he looked like an Indian BRUCE WAYNE

-Binky Big RAM

-Daniel 'Cosgrove' the COMPUTER Man like Superman


-they might


-Mills Reef Winery house was by both places

-I make the last Mile High Comics I order

-the Best of DC Digest

-Binky ones




-I might have DESTROYED all of space


-the first Destroyer

-until I DESTROY that temporary space

-Daniel Cosgrove

-with me ordering and receiving the Binky Big RAM books



-the new CREATION starts 

-like set up by 


-the second Destroyer as the temporary space ends

-what I might be in now

-since Friday March 31st 2017

-is on a temporary version of space

-the second time

-I felt like I was saying out aloud in my SLEEP

-the LINES

-I will MARRY

-a few times

-the three times I read back over my Posed notes



-and read different from what I had meant

-like I signed Contracts to LINES


-or stopping a marriage

-today on Botanical Road. As in BILLY BATSON and BABYLON

-I saw the tall damaged tree. Looked like a lightning bolt. Like the lightning bolt that changes Billy Batson to Captain Marvel. And it looked like the few story tall white pointed rock the Rock of Eternity that gives Captain Marvel his powers

-in Revelations God says I am the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End

-the BEGINNING. The morning of March 31st 2017. I went to the next town and repeated over and over BOP BUP BUP. Then crossed the Road to go back. And might have passed my parents BINKY BIGRAM. And the Whore of BABYLON. That day was the beginning of my really powerful miracles


 -two versions of the history of space

-the first version of space

-by the time my miracles were up. To almost all of space straight from the start

-had my miracles

-their standard themes. 3 Universes

-all Moons, barren planets, inhabited planets etc

-had standard same themes over ever Solar System

-with several settings of each of the three Universes being different than the other two

-I bought comics for a lot of my life

-I fell in to selling mostly comics for very little. To get money to buy more to scan and Post to Blogs

-that collection of comics etc might have represented 1 history of space

-I got much lower in stock. And almost no Trade Books left

-then maybe while COVID was at it's worse

-as a lot of places were closed. Or at least from some point

-I began rebuilding my collections

-building up comics, Trade Books, encyclopedias, DVDs, books etc

-I might even have roughly the amount I once had

-maybe that is part of a replacement version of everything

-starting in 2024


-that might say this is right

Friday, July 5, 2024

History of the Universes Part 1 and 2

  -about 2010 twice someone got in to my bedroom and left objects. The first time in a drawer I kept strange things I found. A black button with reflecting grooves like )))) ((((. The second time when I got up in the morning there were two different looking 1 inch silver rods on my bedspread. Someone probably local left them there. But there is a good chance someone else set them up to plant them

-on the black button reflecting grooves like-

-  ))))  (((

-for the original 'space' and the one that replaced the original one when it was destroyed

-the first space created- When I found a Tin of BISCUITS in a cupboard the day we first moved in to our new home at James COOK Street. The biscuits shaped like the grooves. Captain James COOK he first charted New Zealand. And the three Universes originally. Created by in 2000 I went on a trip to the USA. In one night in Washington 'D' 'C' / ))))  ((( I got lost at each of three Memorials. Like walking through a Warp to each Universe as I created them. The ))) ((((. Like about 1980 I had a thought for a moment I could come up with a list of adventures and events in the future of my life. Trying to make them real. And so then created everything around me, the paranormal events I would have etc

-the grooves. Like causing it to be destroyed. 'D' 'C' Comics Head Jenette Kahn. Her haircut once like (      ). And the Toasted Sandwich Maker. Cooking SPAGHETTI and Cheese. The WORM on the side of the appliance also caused it. And that night I ordered the book Showcase Presents ECLIPSO. And the black button with grooves like an Eclipse. I might have done the Monitor that moment. Like the grooves I go around and around the Earth, then the Death Star and then through passages in it

-the two different looking one inch silver rods I found on my bedspread when I got up. 'I rule all nations with an IRON ROD'. One rod for my rules all through the history of the first Universe. The other rod for my rules in the replacement space

-the idea of Christianity created by me revolving in circles twice. In a box at an Amusement Park and in a dream where I was lying flat on my back on my bed


Jesus Christ's Life and my Life Compared

 -the MANGER-the home of M. AGER the heart point of copies of my home around space and where the magic plant or ground is at the front doorstep

-Mary Magdalene- Jesus' slightly scarlet woman love interest. MAGDALENE  /  ADRIANNA the Internet Chat Hostess I approached years ago about having a full on open marriage

-Judas Iscariot the traitor- a wife like Lois.  JUDAS/LOIS CHARIOT/LANE

-Jesus's favorite Disciple SIMON PETER -my two flat mates I have had living with me during these miracles. Both exceptional people. Jesse WATKINS   and   James MCPETRIE

-King HEROD the ruler out to destroy baby Jesus-Jenette Kahn the DC Comics HEAD - HEAD ODD - RECORD unHEARD

-the DISCIPLES- the DESCENDENTS my sons half by sex and half by sperm dropped in the students 'currently' at Tauranga Boys College

-Simon Peter denies Jesus 3 times-over the years I have emailed DC Comics twice, US President , the Pope and New Kids on the Block to try to get them to read my Blogs because I was out of control with my magic

-the donkey that carries Mary-my living large soft toy I once had like the book characters the Moomins 

-the head of John the Baptist-Wonder Girl a DC Comics super-heroine I thought of like a mother in a way being badly disfigured really in the stories

-Jesus does miracles and spreads the word of Christianity like I do

-the CROSS-shaped like the Days of our Lives' Hourglass and the 'Otumoetai' College torch emblem

-JESUS  and   CHRIST  like the man I aspire to be like  CHRISTIAN   PAREDES

-HEROD the King out to destroy Jesus-like the maybe Anti-Christ threatening me at my grandparents' front door in 1992 looking like soap opera Doctor Peter HOLLAND. And Herod represents Jenette Kahn

-Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem his city of birth to be taxed-like I started all my Crisis/powerful magic going across to the Mount Maunganui by bus. To be TAXED. To achieve the powerful miracles maybe it meant me selling off a large chunk of my best comics and some other things. Like to make the trade

-Jesus CHRIST the CRISIS my term for the years of the really powerful miracles. MESSIAH my MONITOR missions my term for rocket and satellite missions

-the Holy Ghost-like I have almost a voice of force that talks to me and guides me

-SATAN took Jesus to the top of a MOUNTAIN and said I can give you anything-STAN Lee maybe being the same person at a MCDONALDS asked me what I would like to have . It was at the MOUNTAIN / KITCHEN  FOUNTAIN  /  Kitchen sink. After months of being angry with God over too much computer time I said out aloud I would give up my soul in exchange for all I wanted in life. And the strange mountain with the Restaurant on top of it. That might have brought my miracles together

-Jesus CHRIST like at my CONSERVATORY entrance grows the magic plant or ground that gives me my miracle power

-an angry Jesus almost kicking traders etc out of a Church-me and the chance I have been set up to be permanently banned from a list of companies and maybe even the Church and Bible used to keep me in the marriage or it will close

-the BAPtism of Jesus by John the BAPtist-me going to MARINE Parade at Mount Maunganui in March 2017 and repeating  BUP  BUP   BOP  over and over to do the first Monitor and start the Crisis miracles

-so 'We can have FORGIVENESS'- people in space can GIVE themselves just about anything they can think of FOR  FREE  based around my FRASER Street homes 


-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature -all under the line like ...